My Clear Pathways to Inner Peace

Unlocking the Power of Energy Healing

water falls in the forest
water falls in the forest
ocean waves crashing on shore during daytime
ocean waves crashing on shore during daytime


Discover a holistic approach to reducing stress and clearing emotional anxiety. As an energy healing practitioner, I combine various modalities to create a noninvasive innovative protocol to enhance your well-being and improve your quality of life so you can live with more grace and ease.

yellow sunflower field during daytime
yellow sunflower field during daytime


Explore the range of sessions which provide a holistic and noninvasive protocol for reducing stress and clearing emotional anxiety. Each session is designed to help you find clear pathways to a more balanced and peaceful life.

All sessions are remote.

Individual Sessions

  • Reiki Energy Healing (60 minutes)

This relaxation energy healing session requires the recipient to be sitting or lying down in a comfortable quiet location where they will receive focused attention towards specific areas of the body and chakras. Please allot extra time after the session for an enhanced benefit of this stress reducing experience.

  • Emotional Wellness (60 minutes)

In this unique wellness session, I decrease or eliminate overwhelming emotional duress so the client is able to breathe more easily, feel much calmer, and have a better capacity to handle life's hardships. (What I love about this type of session is that if clients are unable to describe what they are feeling, I can still do a very effective clearing; so just come to the session even if you can't articulate what it is you're upset about. It'll get addressed.) Issues such as ancestral trauma and complex family dynamics can be addressed as well.

  • Reiki Plus Emotional Wellness (60 minutes)

This combination starts with focusing on the emotional upset and the stress release is amplified with Reiki energy typically resulting in a sense of well-being.

  • Ailment Concerns (60 minutes)

Similar to the Emotional Wellness option, this specifically is designed to provide relief for physical ailments such as sciatica; back, neck, shoulder, hip, and knee pains; and wrist, ankles, skin, etc. Depending on the degree of the issue at hand, I find that issues can be resolved after a few sessions.

  • Ailment Concerns Follow-up (30 minutes)

These sessions are for alleviating residual concerns as once the initial energy healing has settled in, the surrounding or adjacent areas such as muscles, ligaments or tendons that were compensating for the injured parts would need attention to accommodate the adjustments.

  • Optimal Outcomes (60 minutes)

Similar to Emotional Wellness, this is very useful for reducing stress and anxiety in areas such as job performance (interviews, presentations, integrating into a new environment); student centered activities (exams, group presentations, sports); parenting concerns, relationships with friends and family; anything that needs assistance in lowering anxiety.

  • Women’s Health (60 minutes)

Similar to Ailments, this provides support for concerns specific to women, such a period pain, recovery from C-sections, pregnancy, menopause, bladder, etc.

  • Follow-up Sessions (30 minutes)

For questions, concerns, and residual work that does not require a full session.

Group Sessions

Divorce Mini Bootcamps: 5 days (Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday) 60 minutes of daily group sessions designed specifically to provide relief related to the trauma of divorce and to jumpstart your healing process.

  • Divorce: Whether it was a short or long term, a benign or traumatic break up, it is a big life change wrought with feelings that at times can feel overwhelming. This workshop is designed to address the upsetting emotions that comes with divorce. Whether this is happening now or has happened already, if you find yourself needing an outlet for the turmoil that surfaces and resurfaces, this bootcamp is for you.

  • Gray Divorce: Similar to above, but with the added bonus of suddenly starting a new life in your 50s. 60's and 70s +, whether by choice or not, and especially after decades of married life. The added stress of retirement alone or not being able to retire brings with it additional stress that can feel overwhelming and sometimes fear inducing.

  • Divorce & Betrayal: Along with the divorce is betrayal which comes with all the extra heartache and complete utter despair that this brand of hurt can give. This bootcamp also focuses on renewing faith in trusting yourself and more self-healing.

After Bootcamp: If you feel you need more support consider repeating the bootcamp or joining the Drop-In Group Calls (more info to come) as needed. Or schedule one-on-one sessions for individual energy healing relief.

white and brown round ornament
white and brown round ornament

My Clear Pathways

As a Reiki Master with over 10 years of experiences and trainings, I offer a holistic and noninvasive approach to help you find clear pathways to emotional well-being. This unique integrative healing practice supports each client towards their goals of improving their quality of life on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels.

A session is fine...

a series of sessions creates healing.

Clearing pathways to a stress-free life one session at a time


Energy healing such as Reiki is a simple, gentle, noninvasive technique that can be used for stress reduction and relaxation.

Reiki and energy healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, nor do sessions take the place of medical or psychological care.

Reiki and energy healing can complement any medical or psychological care a person may be receiving, and is intended to be supplementary care.

Clients are encouraged to continue any current treatments and consult with qualified healthcare professionals regarding any medical or psychological concerns.

Additionally, outcomes and experiences may vary for each individual as personal growth and healing processes are unique to each person. By engaging in sessions with My Clear Pathways, clients acknowledge and accept that they are ultimately responsible for their own healing journey.